Thursday 12 July 2007

On the Road

I'm now using a hired SUV (f.y.i Harry a Hyundai) to travel around the state of Colorado for 9 days. I collected the car from a depot out by the airport. In a fit of terror I took full insurance and even have a Satellite Navigation system. It was nerve racking to find myself behind the wheel (which was on the wrong side of the car) about to drive on the wrong side of the road (lets face it the left is the best) to a destination that involved alot of numbers. I don't say this lightly, I hate numbered roads. In my mind interstate 36 becomes 38, 72 becomes 79. Throw in numbered exits and I'm all at sea.


After clutching the door handle a few times, groping for the handbrake I got the hang of the SUV. I drove through Boulder but it wasn't how I imagined. I expected a post apocalyptic town of good people, but then I remembered "The Stand" is fictitious.
I had my camera at hand to take photographs of the amazing scenery, from lakes, bountiful forests, harsh tundra and looming mountains. Sometimes taking a photo involves a lurch to the left hand lane, but so far so good.
I've noticed other drivers seem to be giving me a wide berth. Is this something to do with my positioning in the centre of the road?
I drove through the Rocky Mountain National Park. This is quite the feat. The roads are well maintained, it's just there is too much to see and too many observation spots. At first I thought the small camera logo on my sat nav was warning me of a speed camera up ahead, so I'd drop my speed from the enforced 35 m.p.h to 30. Eventually I realised covert cameras hadn't been fitted into the trees, rather it was a perfect opportunity to take a photo.

Some of the amazing scenery.

I did manage to photograph some Elk, but I wished for a better zoom. After about three hours of stopping and starting in the Park, and feeling the effects of the altitude (some 12,000 ft in places) I drove out to the town of Granby.
I started to worry when I noticed a lot of "NO VACANCY" signs and realised it was 5.00, but I finally pulled into a typical American motel with vacancies. Today I'm heading to Leadville. I think the hostel I'm staying at tonight offers free wifi so I will try to get some more photo's online. It's a must as I took over 50 photo's yesterday alone.

Elk in Rocky Mountain National Park

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