Monday 11 June 2007

New York, New York

In 5 hours time I need to wake up, oh that's right go to sleep first and then wake up. My Mum and I are taking an early morning flight to JFK. Yes that's right my Mum is coming with me, she's decided to get a backpack too. No I haven't lost all street cred, my Mum is going to have a holiday in New York with me for a week. When she flies home I'll continue my travels in America. I feel completely relaxed about travelling this time around, the last 4 and a half months gave me a wealth of experience and confidence.
Unfortunately I've become a little too laid back and have found myself with many things to organise in a short space of time, hence I'm typing this after midnight.
It has been great to catch up with family and friends over the last 3 weeks, sorry to those I didn't manage to meet.
I'm amazed by how many people have been following this blog, I hope to keep updating this space regularly, although I think it will be more difficult while travelling in developed nations.
I still can't quite believe I have a whole year of travelling ahead of me. Hopefully my Mum will enjoy her trip to New York and shopping with the Mighty Pound. Here's to another great trip.


athina said...


All the best for this part of your journey, my stomach is seriously protesting about me being stuck here but I'll ignore it and travel with you through your blog!

Have a safe flight (although you'll be reading this when you're already there) and enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!

Lots of love my dear, keep doing amazing things!

(I just need to write one sentence without an exclamation mark at the end of it and that's it from me for the moment.)


Garreth said...

And here we go again...

Communicating via some sort of mechanical, virtual, digital, "blogging" device, it's amazing what they can do these days.

Anyway I was one of the lucky ones that got to see you (and indeed share a bed! Oh Kev and Michelle, if only you knew the things that happened in your living room on that couch... the snoring, the's really not fit to print.) and may I say how great it was to see you.

As I said, if Hollywood finally comes calling and that (by this stage, surely much deserved) huge paycheque comes in, I shall come and meet you somewhere exotic. Or in Australia. Otherwise I'm looking forward to a year's "hilarious" commenting on your fine blog and another great meet-up at the end of it!

Or unless Euro Millions comes through for me... Do I live in the clouds? Surely not...

Garreth said...

By the way House was cool! Thanks for posting that to me Karen. I'm not sure where you got it from. A friend of mine had promised it to me ages ago and it never arrived. I'm not angry at him, just disappointed.

Anyway the important thing is that I got to see it.

little chief said...

Athina, Gaz

Thanks for your kind comments, I'm using a computer that eats $5 bills by the minute so from now on my posts will be three lines longs. Don't all cheer at once.

Anonymous said...

did you forget to wake up? Where's your new blog?

Anonymous said...

My name is Lynsey and I sat next to your mum on the flight home from New York last week. It was such a great pleasure meeting your mum she is such a lovely lady (but im sure you know that already). She was great company on that long journey and she had me laughing and crying at some of her stories. She told me all about you and told me to check out your website and finally I did and its great, looking forward to reading through your stories and following you on your journey. The only exciting thing I had done is to work in Madrid for 6 months and to me thats exciting espeically when you work for an Insurance company!!! Hope you are keeping safe..and i will keep logging on and hearing about your great adventures. Bye for now. Lyns.

little chief said...

Hello Lynsey, thanks for stopping by. It's great to know my Mum had some good company on the way home. She assures me she didn't talk the whole time and even let you sleep! Only joking.
Living in Madrid sounds great, although I'm seeing lot's of interesting places I imagine it's a totally different experience to live in another country.
Thanks again for leaving a comment,