Monday 25 June 2007


Brooklyn Bridge

Manhattan from the Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge

I had a few more days in New York once my Mum set off back to the UK. I decided rather than to go to alot of museums and galleries, I'd do a walking tour of Brooklyn. Yes it's free too!
The Brooklyn bridge has a pedestrian path running over the cars. It takes about 20 minutes to walk across. Taking a right off the bridge leads you to the Brooklyn Heights area. This is were the Huxtables lived in the Cosby Show, no it wasn't a studio it was right next to Seseme Street in Brooklyn Heights.
It was a beautiful day and I took my time taking lots of photo's. I stopped at homes of Truman Capote and W.H Auden to take photo's and wandered the aisles of the Heights Bookstore. I was able to resisit any new purchases, I'm already humping around 7 books thanks to the great second hand book stores here in New York.

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