Saturday 7 April 2007

16 Hour Bus Ride

Yes it´s the longest yet and I survived! I even managed to eat on board, well I had a fruit salad but it´s a start. After my torturous journey from La Paz to Uyuni, I decided to pay extra for my ticket from San Pedro to La Serena. But there was really no need, the roads here in Chile are the same as English roads. For the first two hours of the journey I ended up with first class to myself! But thankfully other passengers joined me later on.
At 11pm, the waiter came around (I kid you not) and made up my bed for me, I then had to clamber on it so he could put a cover over me. I have never felt quite so silly, I think he knew as I kept giggling with embarrassment.

Views from first class.


Amie.. said...

16 hours on a bus?!?!?!
I wouldn't be able to cope!! :O
What did you do if you needed the toliet? hmmm??..

little chief said...

Don´t worry they have a toilet on board, it smelt lovely after 16 hours....