Sunday 19 August 2007

Good Intentions

It's late here in L.A and I have a flight to Hawaii tomorrow. I had all good intentions to update this blog with my adventures in Tinseltown, but I've run out of time! Apologies now to anyone who has sent me an email and I'm unable to reply to.
I'm going to Hawaii to volunteer on an organic farm through WWOOF. I'll let you click on the website as I'm at the first hostel I've come across charging for wifi and I have little time left!
I will be working three hours a day, five days a week and my accommodations will be rustic, eh without electricity in what is described as a small cabin room with screened in windows, no glass. In return I can eat all the produce I can eat. After Hawaii it's onto Fiji, but only for five days before I fly to New Zealand.


Anonymous said...

haloha (that's hawaian right?)

Just thought I'd mention that r'anna's working in a hostel in Tauranga in New Zealand. Maybe she can wrangle you a discount if you're heading that way. You know can count on me to focus on your finances. I'll find out the hostel name for you...

little chief said...

Thanks Rosie, that sounds great,