Thursday 29 March 2007

Lake Titicaca

The Peruvian flag on Lake Titicaca.

After the Inca Trek, I caught the bug that had been making it´s way through the group. Unfortunately this meant I missed the night out we had planned in Cusco. I also don´t have anyone´s email address, it´s really frustrating.
After two days in the same hotel room, feeling sorry for myself I thought it was time to move on. I have a pretty tight schedule if I want to see as much as I´ve planned to see in South America. So I bought a bus ticket for Puno, Peru, it´s a port on the shores of Lake Titicaca. The Lake itself is the world´s largest high-altitude body of water, it´s 15 times the size of Lake Geneva.

Okay enough of the statistics. My reason for visiting Puno was to take a trip to the Uros Islands. They are floating islands made of reed that have been occupied by Uros Indians for over 500 years. Their original purpose was to hide from invading tribes. But in the mid-sixties (I guess realising there were no tribes left?) they showed themselves to the main-landers. The population has dwindled since to some 1000 people. They are not recognised by the current Peruvian government, so tourists and fishing are their only forms of income. Most of the islanders don´t speak Spanish, but the ancient language of the Inca´s Quechua.

Huts on the Uros Islands.

I took a guided tour to two of the islands, our guide Juan told us how the reed islands are made and how in some serious storms, islanders have woken up 3 hours away from where they went to sleep.

Me and the captain.

We also had a chance to meet one of the island chiefs and took a reed boat between the two islands. Although it was all very touristic, I really enjoyed being somewhere so peaceful, well while it lasted.

On the boat, to our second island.

When we arrived at the second island, we were greeted by a very unexpected sight. A group of Peruvian men in shiny red suits shooting a music video. And who gets dragged in to dance? Yeah that´s right the one tourist without rhythm, me. So if you ever see some dodgy looking South American music video with a very over-excited man in a shiny suit dancing with a woman who looks disturbed, let me know.

Dancing shiny suited men, going for the U2 on the roof pose.


Anonymous said...

My interest in South American MTV has just risen!!

Sounds amazing, but still not remotely jealous - keep trying...


Garreth said...

I've always found the word "Titicaca" very funny so I'm really happy you've been there! Glad you're over your bug and you have your breath back after doing the Inca Trail. I'm not jealous either, it all sounds like so much hard work. And of course it's all so foreign. I mean, if you suddenly really wanted some fried chicken or a latte, what would you do? Where would you go? Really, I'm better off in New Cross.

little chief said...

Don´t worry Gaz they have Colonel Sanders here too and would you believe it there are Irish people here as well!

Rosie I really hope I don´t make it to South American MTV.

Does it make you jealous to know I can buy a 3 course meal for under 1 pound? Hey that´s got to work on you Rosie?!


Anonymous said...

I'm buying my ticket!!!!

Garreth said...

The Irish, I am truly thankful to say, get everywhere. It's a gift we have. We don't like accepting people onto our fair shores, "bloody foreigners" I believe they're known as, but, assuming ourselves to be quite popular, we are happy to set up home in any country.

Rosie, your meals are surely always less than £1 anyway. Cheap potatos and fish defrosting on the radiator... I mean, how much does that actually cost?!