Monday 22 January 2007


Did I luck out or what? I´m staying with the nicest family. I called them on Saturday to let them know what time I would be arriving Sunday. I had it all written out phonetically, but I was kind of thrown when I was asked questions in Spanish and yes I got flustered. But I really had nothing to worry about.
As soon as I arrived I was given a warm Tico welcome by Marta, who promptly showed me around her home. What could have been an awkward situation, due to the language barrier was anything but. Marta has a huge smile and truly welcomed me to the Dominguez home. Straight away she wanted to know if I had any laundry - it felt like I was home Mum! I was given a glass of cola and Luiz (Marta´s husband) tried to converse in English. Unfortunately he knows little, but I think this is a good thing as I really have to learn Spanish fast. Luiz and Marta grab props to communicate. At one point I was shown a piece of cheese to see if I´m vegan or not.
They wrote a shopping list as they were asking me what I like to eat. I was then asked if I wanted to join them on a trip to the supermarket. I stayed behind to unpack and learn some phrases, like this is a gift from my home etc.
It´s great to be in what I assume is a typical Costa Rican home, they are very house proud, well actually Marta is she told Luiz off before for not cleaning up after himself. Really Mum it´s just like being at home.
I have a lovely doule bedroom and it feels great to be settling in for 3 weeks. I had my first lessons this morning. Marta walked me the twenty minutes to the school, it´s just one straight road, Gaz you´d be so lost.
The school is extremely well organised. We had an orientation first thing to tell us about the area. Each break we are provided with a different fruit juice and there is plenty of fruit and bread to eat.
I´m in a class with one other, a 60 year old Swiss woman. What is it with all the 60 year olds I´m meeting? Of course she speaks 4 other language so is learning a lot faster than me, but in a class of 2 you really can´t hide. My teacher Carla, can´t believe I don´t drink tea and yet I am English. After class we were all invited to a local restuarant with the school director and a teacher, to practice what we had just learned. They really throw you in at the deep end, but it is obviouly a good way to learn.
I´ve been given two books to study from and homework to do.
I managed to get sunburnt yesterday, but once the redness goes I´ll have a lovely brown neck and knees. I mean that´s where a tan matters right?
Right better hit the books, adios amigo´s.


athina said...

There are very few comments one can make my dear: "great", "I hate you" and "it really is the best thing to do!"

all the love, keep learning,


joany said...

HI karan I'm glad you have a nice friendly family to stay with there look after you to well you wont want to come back to your Mum.Take care lot of love Aunt JOAN

Gayle Scott said...

Emily said.....

hula Ive been to school today as well but I did not learn any spanish, I ve done some painting and had some beef for lunch


Gayle Scott said...

Hiya, glad you are settling in, sounds like home from home. We are all having a look at your blog together, I'm reading it out for everyone. Mum sends her love, shes stood behind me correcting my spelling!!

Lots of love Gayle

little chief said...

Thanks all, I now have the class to myself!

So my teacher is catering the course just for me, its fantastic. I cant believe how much Spanish Ive learnt already.

Emily - I dont get to paint and I had fish -thats pescado in Spanish - for lunch,

Guernsey said...

Hi Karen,
Glad you are enjoying your first month
Todo el la mejor